Rotary Tattoo Machine Or A Coil Machine - Which one should it be?

As a tattoo artist we often wonder as to what kind of equipment would be right for our job. If you're new to the Tattoo world, you may not yet be acquainted with the different types of machines available. But don't worry. We are here to help you with a breakdown of the most popular machine types and what makes each one special and unique. When it comes to tattoo machines, there are two types- Coil & Rotary machines. At this moment you might not know the difference between coil and the rotary tattoo machines, and if that’s the case then you'll definitely want to read on. These differences matter for tattoo artists and for the clients who rely on them for the best quality tattoos possible. Understanding the types and the qualities of tattoo machines will allow you to get more out of your tattoo work and will help you in refining your skills thus producing better healed tattoos. Types of tattoo machines Rotary and coil tattoo machines are the most popular and widely used, so even if there are tattoo artists who mix and match things up in terms of machines, the basic function of the tattoo machine remain the same. Rotary Tattoo Machine A rotary tattoo machine uses an electric motor to drive the needles into the skin in a cyclic motion there by inserting color or ink to form a decorative pattern or design. This technology changed the way that tattooing was done, ushering in a new age of detail and control. Some of the features of rotary machines are, Lightweight Easy handling Less hand and finger cramping Low noise output Single machine can be used for lining and shading Minimal adjustments needed Very popular among artists Rotary machines move needles up and down using a small DC motor that’s encased in a hard outer layer. These machines are of course incredibly simple, and they’re still widely used throughout the tattoo industry. Look for lots of innovations and add-ons to rotary machines that make them more efficient and even better than ever, as tattoo artists are constantly improving and adding their own spin to these machines. Coil Tattoo Machine Do you hear that buzzing noise? It’s a coil tattoo machine! The most common type of tattoo machine is the coil tattoo machine. The buzzing noise that’s so readily associated with tattoo shops is the sound of the coil tattoo machine. It can be loud! That’s not necessarily a bad thing, as it does allow the tattoo artists to focus just on what they’re doing while drowning out all of the ambient noise, and has a very classy and traditional feel to it. Of course the coil tattoo machine isn’t popular because of its sounds, it is popular because it works so well and is so versatile. There are three common types of coil machines; liners, shaders, and color packers. The name of these three types of coil tattoo machines pretty much sums up their intended use. The liner runs a lot faster and not as deep as a shader or a color packer. The primary purpose of this type of machine is to create fine and precise line work, including the general outline of the tattoo. Shaders are used to fill in color and primarily for shading in different gradients. These machines are set up to have a longer front spring that hits significantly harder and deeper than liner machines. Shaders have a longer throw, allowing the shades to pack a little deeper into the skin. Finally, the color packer tattoo machine is set up very similar to a shader because it is used to fill in color and blacks. This machine hits even harder and deeper than a shader, and does not work well for grey scale and shading gradients. It’s best used to pack in colors solidly and more deeply than other machines. The purpose here is to “pack” in color and pigments with a single pass, rather than having to go over your work again. Benefits of coil tattoo machines: Easy to regulate speed and power Easy to customize and interchange parts. Faster completion time Heavier weight allows a little more control Coil machines generally come in dual coiled form, ranging from eight to twelve wraps. The coils create the resistance that allows for that regulation we like with these machines, while an armature bar is pulled up and down quickly to inject ink into the skin. Many tattoo artists swear by their rotary machines, believing them to be by far superior to anything else available. Coil machines offer immediate feedback to the artist when pressure is too much or too little. The change in the sound of the coil machine usually happens based on the pressure and the speed of the tattoo artist thus making them more alert during the tattooing procedure. They tend to be used by newer tattoo artists who are wanting to have that more tactile and organic connection with the skin. Choosing a tattoo machine for you The best way to determine which tattoo machine is right for you is to first try all of them them out. At INKSCOOL Tattoo Training Institute And Studio Pune India ™ we usually allow our tattoo students to use all types of tattoo machines during their tattoo training period. All the equipments would be provided to the tattoo students in our tattoo school so that the students have maximum experience with different tattoo machines during tattoo training, and so that they know which machine would be suitable for them for their job. You never know when you might suddenly find a tattoo machine that matches your art style perfectly. Because the tattoo machine is essentially the paintbrush of this art form, getting the right one is an important step in the process of finding your way as an artist, and at INKSCOOL Tattoo Training Institute Pune, we make sure that you do. Whether you decide to go with a coil or rotary tattoo machine, always buy good quality equipments as these are going to be the tools of your trade.
Syed Hamza Ali
INKSCOOL Tattoo Training Institute And Studio Pune India ™